GraveTalk 35: Propaganda

What is propaganda? The one definition is “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.” Think about that if you please.

Now this GraveTalk may be ever-so slightly controversial as I will be going against the PC culture and the whole “acceptance” thing, but I do think that this one really needs to go ahead.

Look propaganda works both ways. Whether it’s used by fascist governments or by groups that have good intentions. However, no matter how it’s used propaganda is used to manipulate people for their own personal motives.

Right now, with the whole Ukraine-Russian war propaganda has been use a fair bit – mostly against Russia (whether that’s the media trying to spin things as usual, who knows? Like I said in the North Korea GraveTalk, we only know what we are told and not unless you watch and read Russian TV/newspapers you won’t know the truth).

I wouldn’t be too concerned if it wasn’t for something I saw at a recent concert. The band, Gen and The Degenerate – who were great – talked to the crowd before a song. They said the song was about being bi-sexual (as well as gays, etc…) but it’s when she “whispered” (Said it in a quieter tone) “even if you’re a bit straight”. Words that mean nothing, but after she said that some people behind me booed. Why? Is it wrong to like the opposite sex? Of course not, however, these rainbow-flag waving groups seem to be pushing the whole gay thing onto young, impressionable people i.e., propaganda!

I don’t know why people are making such a big deal about being “gay”. If you’re gay, so what! Good for them!  What is with all this bragging and fuss? Homosexuals, in the past, have not had a good time (agreed) but even in the past most people were tolerant of them and weren’t all that bothered if people were gay.

Problems arise and are made worse when you start making a “big-deal” and then stressing that as being superior – like feminists are trying to do! Just because in the past gays have been bullied, mocked (and worse) doesn’t mean it’s right to try and brainwash today’s youth into thinking that homosexuality is right. Let them make up their own minds. Remember the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right”.

By all means, have your pride days but there is no need to throw it in everyone’s faces. Isn’t the whole purpose of this gay acceptance thing to get people to become more “tolerant” of gays? Tolerance works both ways.

Take remakes of films and TV shows. The producers/directors/writers (whatever) feel the need to have the main characters gay, black or a woman. You can have a “white man” lead anymore, why? For example, for the “Obi Wan Kenobi” series there are people saying that “Obi Wan” needs to come out as bi-sexual for series 2, why? Yes, it shouldn’t be a great deal if they do but, on that logic, why are people trying to turn it into a great deal to make him bi-sexual? That character is monk who has no sexual attractions whatsoever, so why bring in changes?

Take James Bond. The next actor “needs to be black or a woman”, why? (The best on has to be the next James Bond needs to be gay – Yes, I have heard that! Have they not watched the films?). Why can’t they just make a separate spy series where a woman is the lead character? Probably, because that requires imagination and today, at least, remaking films is just far easier than coming up with something original! Why isn’t anyone say Lara Croft should be a man? Works both ways!

At the end of the day, if you’re gay – you’re gay! If you’re straight – you’re straight! You are what you are and that’s perfectly fine. I don’t (and I think most people will agree) need people to broadcast their sexuality over the internet or on TV. People who come out as gay make out like it’s some special moment. Something that’s mainstream newsworthy. I don’t see why someone just doesn’t give them a bloody medal! Take Philip Schofield. He over-dramatised his coming out, just to make it a “iconic” TV moment – like his coming out was even all that shocking! All people need to say is “yes, I am (or am not) gay” and that can be that!

Let’s just start to tone down all of this nonsense and move on with our own lives, making up our own minds!

I hope you enjoyed yet another controversial GraveTalk. Some people are scared to talk about the “big points” but I’m not. If there are any other controversial topics that you want my take on, then leave comment! There are a few more GraveTalk’s coming out in this Summer, as I slowly make my catching up! Traveller’s Cure will be re-launching again – it’s only down due to changing hosting provider (my laptop failed just after I finished backing up the website files). The Gigzter seems to be going well – especially after Alice Cooper and I will be trying to secure a media slot for next year’s Eurovision!

I also, have another joke book coming out – yes, I have actually managed to find even more jokes, around 200 more, bringing the total to over 2000! I also have a few other books in the pipeline – two of which are currently being written!

Thanks for reading! See you all next time!





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